
Taking a Look at our New Macro Economics Research Page – Charts News and More

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Hello and welcome back to Coin Logic TV. Today we are on the go, but chatting it up about these bloody markets, all over, not just in crypto. With this we are introducing you to our new Macro Research page!

This page is currently sponsored by Comdex, https://comdex.one . A synthetic assets exchange protocol coming to the Cosmos Hub Ecosystem! On this page you can now track the major indicies, commodity futures, bonds, and forex markets. You can also check out some macro charts like the US Fed M2 Money Supply, the US GDP, CPI, and more! We have also integrated the press release RSS feed from the Federal Reserve’s website so that you can get all the information you need directly from the source.

Hope this adds you your research tool box, and please let us know if there is anything else you would like to see added! Remember, you really don’t have control over the markets, just your portfilio. So hedge your bets wisely, and for the love of god, go fill you tank with some gas and stock up on food before it becomes unaffordable, lol. And side note, not in the video… Learn foraging and plant identification, lol. Knowledge is true power.

Nothing we say is financial advise.

This is for educational and recreational purposes only!

Stay safe in these volitile markets and don’t get rekt!


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