
XDAO Feature Updates and Overview Best DAO Builder in the Crypto Space

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Hello everyone and welcome back to another DApp review on Coin Logic TV! Today we are revisiting XDAO and showing off some of the new updates they have going on!


The XDAO team has been extremely busy and have been making some awesome functionality and UI updates!

They have extended to many different EVM based blockchains and Ethereum layer 2 solutions.

We are currently using XDAO to build our music platfrom, https://blocktunes.net. You can use it to put funds into yield farms, lending protocols, or just hold tokens in the wallet.

They have added a new Launchpad feature that allows DAOs to launch their investment tokens quickly and easily!

They have also added a new dividend payment feature that allows DAOs to pay out their token holders a portion of the rewards earned from the DEFI yield farms.

The opportunites for DAOs are endless and the surface hasn’t even been scratched.

Come check out this NO CODE DAO builder today!

This is NOT a sponsored video. We just really love using this platform and love the team and want to share it with our audience!

Nothing we say is financial advise.

This is for educational and recreational purposes only!

Stay safe in these volatile markets and don’t get rekt!

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